I believe in nature, humanity, and my own mind.
In order to survive and thrive, I have to learn and obey the laws of nature.
To get along well with other good and fair people, I engage responsibly in good and fair social agreements.
I must persistently use my own mind to learn and improve in order to be healthy, happy and wholesome.
To put my rational religion into the best operative perspective for myself, I have chosen to believe that my God is a trinity--nature, humanity and my own mind.
Unlike most people who use the name, 'God,' I have a rational definition for the concept.
I define 'god' to mean ruler.
When I write the name 'God' with a capital 'G,' I am referring to each one of the elements in my trinity working together in harmony.
Thus, for me: (1) NATURE is god of this universe. (2) HUMANITY is god of this planet. (3) MY OWN MIND is god of my own body.