Monday, September 5, 2011


The evolutionary thought processes of humanity have basically proceeded as follows: (1) MAGIC & SUPERSTITION, (2) MYTHOLOGY & FOLKTALES, (3) RELIGION & FAITH, (4) PHILOSOPHY & LOGIC, (5) SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY.

Although, in the evolutionary cognition of humanity, each one has served its purpose (for better or worse), it is virtual retardation to get stuck in a past progression. It's late, but it's time to get with the modern thinking of science and technology.

Just think of how much modern convenience we wouldn't have if the pioneers of the advancements of Western Civilization hadn't risen above the BLIND FAITH of the religiously dominated "DARK AGES" and carried the ignorant masses into the "AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT."

Now, Asian progressive thinkers are leading their civilizations into the modern age of science and technology. Unfortunately, Africa in general and many people of African descent are too BLINDED BY THEIR RELIGIOUS FAITH--as they themselves say: they "...walk by FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT...." They are too ignorant (or foolish) to even know how stupid that sounds. It's like they are walking around unnecessarily wearing blindfolds trying to navigate through a complicated maze of reality being told what to do and where to go every step of the way--most of such religious fanatics are going nowhere fast. But, what can I say to wake them up? It's much like they are content to be high on religious dogma or hypnotized by it rather than to face and deal realistically with reality; however, I think it is because they feel BLESSED (meaning: HAPPY)--MUCH LIKE A DRUG ADDICT FEELS ECSTATIC WHILE HIGH ON DRUGS. And, also much like a drug addict, the RELIGIOUS FANATICS COULDN'T CARE LESS ABOUT REALITY JUST AS LONG AS THEY ARE FEELING BLESSED. I guess the person who said "IGNORANCE IS BLISS" was correct--at least when it comes to addictions--religious or otherwise.

However, it takes a lot of patience and optimism to keep trying to wake people up who are really enjoying their dream and don't want to be awakened. Thus, trying to tell a religious fanatic that there is a better way, is like trying to reason with someone under hypnosis or under the influence of a mind altering drug.