Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Real History of Christianity (Part 5)

People should act on facts, not beliefs, especially when beliefs have undergone such a drastic change over the centuries. The god that the Christians collectively worship today was originally four gods. Ashtoreth was openly worshiped by the Israelites until the 6th century BC. She was the wife of El, the supreme male deity, and they were together the Divine Couple. Their daughter was Anath, Queen of the Heavens, and their son, the King of the Heavens, was called He. As time progressed, the separate characters of El and he were merged to become Jehova. Ashtoreth (Ashera) and Anath were then similarly joined to become Jehova's female consort, known as the Shekinah or Matronit.

The name Jehova is a late and somewhat Anglicized transliteration of Yahweh, which itself is a form of the four-consonantal Hebrew stem YHWH into which two vowels have been interpolated. Originally these four consonants (which later became a sort of acronym for the one god) represented the four members of the heavenly family: Y represented El the Father, H was Asherah the Mother, W corresponded to the Son, and H was the Daughter, Anath. In accordance with the royal traditions of the time and region, God's mysterious bride, the Shekinah, was also reckoned to be his sister.

In practical terms, the cementing of the Hebrew ideal of the one god did not actually occur until after their 50 years of captivity in Babylon (586-536 BC). When the Israelites were first deported there by Nebuchadnezzar, they were effectively disparate tribes belonging to at least two major ethnic streams (Israel and Judah), but they returned to the Holy Land with a common national purpose as Jehovah's chosen people.

There is quite simply no reason to adhere to laws made by semi-savages who had very limited understanding of the world, or more specifically, science. It is illogical to regard the words of the Bible as true because of the numerous revisions and mistranslations. If the words are indeed “eternally true” then they should never have to be removed or altered, but that is not the case, and so they are, by this very argument, false.